Dr Haji Zainudin bin Haji Jaffar
Zainudin Jaffar (48+) was born in Tanjung Karang Selangor on 28th September 1961. He is the eldest of eight siblings and his father was a school Headmaster in Sungai Besar. He received his early education in an English-medium primary school from 1968-1973. Thereafter, enrolled at al-MaÑhad al-Muhammadi (Arabic-medium) in Kelantan. After his excellent performance in his Junior Certificate Examination, he was selected to enter the Muslim College in Kelang, Malaysia’s premier religious school. Whilst there, he was one of the college student leader, captain of debating team and among the college top student. He has had the golden opportunities to study at top institutions – his B.SharÊÑah (First Class Hons) at University of Malaya, his LLM at King’s College University of London and his PhD at Edinburgh University, Scotland. Over the last twenty years, Zainudin Jaffar has accumulated a wide range of experience – teaching (plus administrative role) at International Islamic University Malaysia (1985-1996), President and Chief Executive Officer at Darul Ehsan Islamic College (1996-2001), on private practice (2001-2002) and as SharÊÑah Specialist at Bank Negara Malaysia (2002-2004). He is known for his strong passion for knowledge as he loves reading, teaching, training and voluntary works. He has equal proficiency (spoken & writing) in three languages namely, Malay, English and Arabic. He is considered a familiar face in the legal & SharÊÑah fraternity in the country as well as in banking circles. His standing as a SharÊÑah Specialist, a comparative lawyer and as a teacher/educator/trainer has had both national and international recognitions.
Competencies –
(1) Academic & Intellectual Leadership
(2) Research & Development
(3) Human Comprehensive Development
(4) Local & International Networking
(5) Comprehensive Training
1985 – 2000 Various Positions – International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
• Assistant Professor (1994-2001)
• Full Lecturer since 1988
• Deputy Dean/Director – IIUM Matriculation Centre (1994-1996). In charge of academic affairs including admission, records and examination. Student population at that point of time was 3,500 in three campuses.
• Head of Law Department IIUM (1995-1996)
1996 – 2001 Darul Ehsan Islamic College (KISDAR (Now known as Selangor International Islamic University College -KUIS)
• Seconded by IIUM to Selangor State Government as the First President and Chief Executive Officer.
• Playing a pivotal role as an academic and intellectual leader. Successful in bringing the institution to a remarkable height and gaining recognition domestically as well as internationally. Successful in creating conducive
learning environment and a holistic campus-life imbued by Islamic teachings.
2001 – 2002 Hijrah Strategic Advisory Group (Consulting Firm on
Islamic Financial Services)
• One of the founder of the firm.
• Was Managing Director and Principal Consultant.
• Involved in monitoring the running of the firm as a credible financial services consultant.
• Involved as consultant for the setting of Islamic Unit Trust Business in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.
• Conducted Shari’ah Audit on giant insurance company like MAA to ensure that their investment activities (for their Islamic products) are Shari’ah Compliant.
• Pioneered the concept of Islamic Financial Planning, set the parameters and developed the training modules. The training modules has received wide acceptance both at home (among others by Securities Indurstry Development Centre [SIDC], Takaful Operators (like Maybank Takaful, Takaful Nasional, Takaful Ikhlas), Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB through PNB Institute), Amanah Raya Berhad as well Jabatan Agama of various states in Malaysia).
• Pioneered the dissemination of Islamic Financial Planning through mainstream media. Our articles on Islamic Financial Planning was given a column in Personal Money magazine and running for nearly three years.
2002 – June 2004 Bank Negara Malaysia (Malaysian Central Bank) residing at the Department of Islamic Banking and Takaful.
• Was appointed Shari’ah Specialist (with a Senior Manager G28 position). First appointment of this nature in the history of Islamic Banking in Malaysia.
• Functioned as an internal Shari’ah resource person on the regulation and supervision on the entire Islamic Banking, Islamic Finance and Takaful operations in Malaysia.
• Key resource and training advisor to the Central Bank’s own Human Resources Development Centre (HRDC).
• Responsible setting the establishment (and the running) of the Shari’ah Working Committee, a think-tank group of academicians to deliberate on issues relating to Islamic Banking & Finance.
• Acted as Supervisor to the Secretariat of the Central Bank’s Shari’ah Advisory Council (SAC).
• Acted as resource person on the use Gold Dinar in the Bilateral Payment (BPA).
• Involved in the initiatives for the amendment of laws relating to Shari’ah Advisory Council particularly The Central Bank Act (1958), Islamic Banking Act (1983), Takaful Act (1984) and Banking & Financial Institutions Act (1989).
• Was part of the promulgation of the new Shari’ah Framework for the Islamic Banking & Finance as part of the initiatives to support the Financial Sector Master Plan (FSMP).
• July 2004 – March 2005 ~ SharÊÑah Specialist – Mohd Fuad Jaapar & Associates, Advocates & Solicitors/Shari’ah Counsels – Petaling Jaya Malaysia.
• Consultant/Trainer/Writer Researched and completed draft of two books during this period namely The Spectrum of the Shari’ah and The Shari’ah Guidance on Wealth and Financial Planning.
• Teaching
Taught the subject of Islamic Banking, Securities and Documentation for LLM (Executive) in Banking Law at Harun M Hashim Law Centre, International Islamic University Malaysia.
From April 2005 Academic Staff – Department of Business and
Management, Faculty of Business, Economics
and Policy Studies (FBEPS), Universiti Brunei
Darussalam. Concurrently, Postgraduate
Coordinator at the faculty.
Subjects taught :
• Islamic Jurisprudence
• Principles of Islamic Business Ethics
• Islamic Law of Transactions (Mu’amalat) – undergraduate.
• Islamic Management Ethics (MBA)
• Islamic Law of Transactions (MIBF Masters in Islamic Banking & Finance)
• Regulation and Supervision of Islamic Financial Institutions (MIBF)
• Islamic Financial Planning (MIBF).
• While at IIUM – taught almost all areas of Islamic Law. Also taught LLM (Executive) Banking Law (IIUM) and LLM (University Malaya) for Islamic Law of Commercial Transactions.
University of Malaya – Faculty of
SharÊÑah, Academy of Islamic
• B. Shari’ah (Hons) 1985
• Major: Shari’ah Law & Malaysian Law
• Minor – Islamic Economics.
• Graduated with First Class Honours and awarded University Book Prize.
• Recipient of the Entrance Award based on excellent result for Higher School Certificate (HSC) Examination.
• Elected twice to the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) from 1982-1984.
• President – Shari’ah Students’ Association (1984)
• Leader, University Malaya Malay Debating Team.
1988 Faculty of Law, King’s College, University of London, London, United Kingdom.
• Obtained the degree of Masters of Law (LLM) in a double major (Administration of Criminal Justice) and Islamic & Arab Law.
• Though registered at King’s College, took papers from the London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE) and the School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS) as the LLM program was on an inter-collegiate arrangement.
• Studied under the guidance of big names in the British Legal circle namely Professor Hall Williams, Professor William Ballantyne, Professor Doreen Hinchcliffe and others.
• 1990- 1994 University of Edinburgh – Dept. of Islamic and Middle East, Edinburgh, Scotland.
• Completed PhD in MuÑÉmalÉt Law (July 1994)
• Research based on classical sources of Islamic law written in classical Arabic language.
• Making comparison with contemporary literature of Islamic Law and its interpretation.
• Assessing the applicability of the SharÊÑah paradigm in modern business.
• Research categorized as contemporary Islamic Law and to some extent, Arab Law as involved investigation on certain civil codes of Arab Nations.
• Thesis : The Concept and Application of Öaman in Islamic Commercial Law.
• While pursuing doctoral studies, presented papers on various subjects – on Islamic Banking (Edinburgh 1990), Islamic Legal System (Aberdeen 1991), Codification of Islamic Law (Edinburgh 1992), Majallat al-Ahkam al-‘Adliyyah (Manchester 1994).
• Deputy Dean/Director, Matriculation Centre, IIUM in charge of academic matters particularly admission and records.
• Managed 3500 students (and 200 lecturers) in three different campuses namely in Kuala Lumpur, Kuantan and Kuala Terengganu.
• Instrumental in the setting of IIUM’s Medical Matriculation with a collaboration with Institut Kemahiran Ikhtisas Pahang (IKIP).
• Appointed President & CEO of Darul Ehsan Islamic College (KISDAR, now has been upgraded as Selangor International Islamic University College KUIS) at the age of 34. KISDAR is an integrated Islamic institution of higher learning backed by the Selangor state government. Initially served the pilot establishing committee as an academic advisor. Later secured an operating licence from the Ministry of Education (Dept of Private Education). Eventually, secured minimum standard approvals for all programs (Islamic Studies, Business, Information Technology and Media).
• Secured accreditation from Lembaga Akreditasi Negara (LAN) for all academic programs. Also secured recognition for most of KISDAR’s diplomas from universities in the UK, Australia, Jordan, Sudan, Egypt, Indonesia etc.
• Pioneering Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) Top Students Scheme – the sending of top students from JAIS system to top UK universities (particularly Portmouth University, England) to do engineering. IT, Medicine and others.
• Oversee the building of KISDAR’s campus worth RM 84 million (first phase) (total RM120 million) from 1997 until its completion in June 2000.
• Involved in Hijrah Strategic Advisory Group – a consulting firm specializing Islamic Financial Services.
• Invited to join Bank Negara Malaysia (The Malaysian Central Bank) as the first ever appointed SharÊÑah Specialist, to support the rapid growth of Islamic Finance after the launching of the Financial Sector Master Plan by Malaysian Government in 2001.
“Hukuman Menurut Shari’ah”. Professor Ahmad Ibrahim (ed) Pentadbiran Keadilan Jenayah di Malaysia (Ahkam Siri II), Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1990.
“The Development of Islamic Legal Thought in Twentieth Century Malaysia”. Proceeding of the Annual Conference of the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies. University of Manchester: 1994, January 1994
“Al-Quran dan Globalisasi”. Minda KISDAR Monograph. Bangi: KISDAR Publication, January 1999
“Lapan Nilai Utama Budaya Murni Bersih Dari Perspektif Islam dalam Ghazi Ramli (ed), Budaya Murni Bersih (Budaya MB) : Panduan dan Harapan, Selangor : Badan Perhubungan UMNO Selangor, 1999, pp. 57-74.
Spektrum Pemikiran Islam. Bangi: KISDAR Publication, January 2000
“The Development of Islamic Legal Thought in Twentieth Century Malaysia : An Assessment of Cross Cultural Links With Special Reference of the Ottoman’s Majallat al-Ahkam al-‘Adliyyah” Jurnal Syariah 8:1 (2000), pp. 83-100.
“Contemporary Islamic Legal Training in Malaysia”. In Isma-ae Ali (ed), Islamic Studies in ASEAN. Pattani Thailand: Prince Songkhla University. May 2000.
“The Role of Qadi vis-à-vis other Enforcement Agencies in the Islamic Commercial Practices” Jurnal KISDAR 3 (2000), pp.1-15.
“Pendidikan Agama Untuk Pembangunan Insan”, Laporan Kongres Pendidikan Melayu, Kuala Lumpur : JK Kongres Pendidikan Melayu, 2001.
“Ke Arah Menjadikan Institusi Masjid Sebagai Pusat Kecemerlangan Komuniti di Selangor”. Jurnal YADIM (2001) Vol. II. Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia, November 2001.
Spectrum of the Shari’ah (forthcoming)
The Islamic Solutions – Deliberation on al-Hall al-Islami. (forthcoming)
Shari’ah Guidance on Wealth and Financial Planning (forthcoming)
(1) Annual Conference of BRISMES – BRISMES (British Society for Middle Eastern Studies). Manchester, UK., 1994.
Paper entitled: The Development of Islamic Legal Thought in Malaysia: An Assessment of Cross-Cultural Links with Special Reference to the Ottoman’s Majallat Al-Ahkam Al-‘Adliyyah.
(2) University of Edinburgh Graduate Seminar. Dept of Islamic & Middle East, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, 1994
Paper : Consumer Protection in Islamic Law.
(3) Edinburgh Central Mosque. Edinburgh, Scotland, 1990
Paper : Islamic Banking in Malaysia.
(4) Aberdeen Central Mosque. Aberdeen, Scotland, 1992
Paper : Introduction to Islamic Legal System.
(5) Graduate Seminar Edinburgh University – April 1991.
Paper : Later Development of Islamic Law with Special Reference to Legal Scholarship and Codification.
(6) Pan Asian Islamic Banking & Finance Summit organized by CIMATEC – Kuala Lumpur 1995.
Paper : Implementation of Shari’ah Principles: The Role of the Shari’ah Supervisory Council.
(7) International Symposium on Islamic World Today – Zagreb, Republic of Croatia 1995
Paper : Islam in Southeast Asia.
(8) 24th Annual Conference of Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS), Chicago, USA, 1995
Paper : Contemporary Islamic Legal Training in Malaysia – The Case of IIUM.
(9) Seminar Islam dan Perubatan – anjuran Pusat Islam Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 1995.
Paper : Kaedah-kaedah Hukum Islam Dalam Pendekatan Perubatan Masakini – written with Dr. Mohd Daud Bakar.
(10) International Islamic Capital Market Conference. Kuala Lumpur, 1997
Paper : Bay’ al-Ma’dum : An Analysis.
(11) II Joseph Schacht Conference on Theory and Practice of Islamic Law – Granada, Spain 1997.
Paper : The Role of Enforcement Agency (×isbah) vis-à-vis the Qadi in Islamic Marketplaces.
(12) Conference on Restructuring Islamic Project Financing, Kuala Lumpur, 1999
Paper : The Viability of the Islamic Paradigm in Project Financing. Paper jointly written with Nasir Masud MBA.
(13) Nadwah Kefahaman Islam Pegawai Kanan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia, Lumut 1999.
Paper : The Notion of Universality and Flexibility in Islamic Law and Jurisprudence.
(14) Seminar Kebangsaan Pendidikan Kebangsaan dan Agama di Malaysia. – Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM), Kuantan, Pahang, 2000.
Paper : Matlamat dan Peranan Penubuhan Institusi Pendidikan Islam.
(15) Fourth Islamic Finance Forum – Harvard Islamic Finance Information Program (HIFIP). Harvard, Cambridge, Mass USA, 2000.
Paper: Shari’ah and Legal Issues on Online Banking. Paper jointly written with Assoc Prof. Dr. Mohd Daud Bakar (IIUM).
(16) Public Lecture organized by Center for Postgraduate Studies, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Sulwesi Selatan, 2000.
Paper : Islamic Education in Selangor.
(17) International Conference on World Peace in Light of the Quranic Teaching – Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 2001.
Paper : Qur’anic Guidance on Islamic Financial Planning.
(18) Kongres Pendidikan Melayu – Kesatuan Guru Melayu Malaysia Barat (KKGMB) & Kumpulan Melayu Prihatin, Kuala Lumpur, 2001.
Paper: Pendidikan Agama dan Pembangunan Insan.
(19) Seminar Perancangan Kewangan Islam – Darut Tauhid. Jakarta, Indonesia, 2002.
Paper: Tuntutan Islam Terhadap Perancangan Kewangan.
(20) Monthly Talk for Professionals & Expatriates – Al-Rahmaniah Indonesia. Jakarta, Indonesia, 2001.
Paper: Islamic Financial Planning.
(21) Muzakarah Pakar Mengenai Perbankan Islam – Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM). Kuala Lumpur, 2003.
Paper: Islamic Law on Business, Banking and Finance in Malaysia: Towards a Mu’amalat Code.
(22) Banking and Financial Law School 2004 (9th February 2004) organised by Bank Negara Malaysia, IBBM & ISDA.
Paper : How Islamic Jurisprudence Sees Derivatives in the Context of Modern Islamic Banking & Finance.
(23) Permodalan Nasional Berhad PNB Institute – Workshop on Islamic Investment Market, 27th August 2004.
Paper : Understanding the Shari’ah as the Basis for Investment.
(24) 2nd International Islamic Banking and Finance Conference organized by Monash University Malaysia – Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM) & Islamic Development Bank (IDB), 9-10 September 2004.
Paper : The Role of Shari’ah Paradigm in Islamic Banking & Finance – A Multi Dimensional Evaluation.
(25) PNB Institute Workshop on Islamic Banking & Finance, 16th September 2004.
Paper : Application of Shari’ah Concepts and Parameters in Islamic Banking.
(26) PNB Institute Workshop on Islamic Capital Market, 20-21 September 2004.
Paper : Understanding the Shari’ah and Its Application in Islamic Capital Market.
(27) Workshop organized by Institut Latihan Kehakiman & Perundangan Malaysia (ILKAP), 28th September 2004.
Paper : Application of Shari’ah Principles in Islamic Capital Market.
(28) Faculty Seminar, FBEPS Universiti Brunei Darussalam (October 2005)
Paper : The Concept and Practice of Islamic Banks – the Malaysian Experience.
(29) International Seminar on Legal Thought of al-ShÉfiÑi School of Law organized by the Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddeen Institute of Islamic Studies (with the Al-ShafiÑÊ Research Center), Universiti Brunei Darussalam. 18-19th January 2006
Paper: Business Ethics According to the Shafi’i School of Law.
(30) Seminar Habibi Rasulullah SAW –Universiti Brunei Darussalam (18-19 April 2006)
Paper : Petunjuk dan Bimbingan Rasulullah Dalam Memperkasakan Etika Perniagaan.
(31) Special Seminar for Senior Government Officers attending Executive Development Program UBD – 4th April 2006.
Paper : Islamic Finance in Malaysia – Past, Present and Future
(32) RBAF Training for Junior Officers (May 2006)
Presentation : The Significance of the Melayu Islam Beraja (MIB) and the Islamic Work Ethics.
(33) Get-Up Workshop organized by Entrepreneurship Development Unit – UBD (May 2006)
Paper : Petunjuk Islam dalam Perniagaan dan Keusahawanan.
(34) Youth Entrepreneurship Workshop on Small Business Enterprise for Potential Young Women (June 2006).
Paper : Islamic Guidance on Business and
(35) Muzakarah Pakar Takaful 2006 (3 August
2006) – Kuala Lumpur
Paper : Perkongsian Lebihan Dalam Operasi
Takaful – Antara Mudarabah dan Ujrah.
(36) Konferensi Antarabangsa Antar Universiti
Borneo Mengenai Isu Perkotaan di Borneo
(Anjuran UNIMAS/Universitas Tandjung Pura
Pontianak Indonesia, 14-16 August 2006).
Paper : Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Melalui Perencanaan Kewangan SharÊÑah (Islamic Financial Planning) di Negara Brunei Darussalam.
(37) Asean Graduate Business School Program- University of Indonesia, Jakarta 28th-30th January 2007.
Paper : Good Corporate Governance : The Role of
Religion With Special Reference to the Islamic
Has wide experience as advisor in the area of Islamic Banking, Finance and Islamic Unit Trust –
(1) Shari’ah Advisor – Amanah Saham Darul Iman (ASDI) (1994-1999). One of the unit trust scheme by a state government (Trengganu State). It was a RM500 million scheme. He was also asked to sit in the Investment Committee of the scheme representing the SharÊÑah Council and to facilitate the investment decisions.
(2) Shari’ah Advisor – Amanah Saham Wanita (ASNITA) (1995-2002) – is a dedicated fund for women investors. Another RM500 million scheme. Helped in the training of the unit trust agents to ensure the possessed the correct knowledge and understanding when selling the units to investors particularly on the need to practice Islamic ways in financial and investment planning.
(3) SharÊ’ah Advisor – Another involvement in unit trust through Affin Trust Management Berhad (1994-2002).
(4) SharÊÑah Advisor – Affin Bank (1994-2002). This was his first appointment where he was exposed to the complexities of banking practices especially in ensuring Shari’ah compliance. Also involved in giving training to staffs of Affin Bank Group as part of the initiatives after the nation launched the Islamic banking scheme known at that point in time as Skim Perbankan Tanpa Faedah (SPTF). SPTF was later known as the Islamic Banking Scheme.
(5) SharÊÑah Advisor – Affin Merchant Bank (1994-2002). Affin Merchant is part of Affin Group though it is involved as a merchant bank.
(6) SharÊÑah Advisor – Affin Finance (1994-2002). Affin Finance is a finance company under Affin Group focusing more on Islamic Hire Purchase of vehicles, machineries etc.
(7) SharÊÑah Advisor – Pusat Zakat Selangor (1997-1999). Was chairman of the team working on the Manual of Business Zakat.
(8) Member, Panel Kajian SharÊÑah (Malaysian Fatwa Council Technical Committee) (2003-2006). This committee is the forum where deliberation of various Shari’ah issues coming from various parties is made. The committee will make recommendation whether or not the matter should be brought to the National Fatwa Council.
(9) Member of Shari’ah Committee – Maybank Group (April 2005-March 2007)
(10) Member, Panel of Module Writers – Islamic Banking & Finance Institute Malaysia (IBFIM) – 2005
(11) Registered Syari’ah Advisor with The Securities Commission (Ref : JS/017/P/2005) - Valid Until 30th June 2008
Major (Honorary) – since 2002. A member of Pasukan Pendokong Wataniah Negeri Selangor, a recognition for commitment in encouraging the college students to take part in military trainings. This award was bestowed by DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong.
1995 – 1999 Member of the National Executive Committee – Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM).
1991 – 1992 Secretary General – Edinburgh Malaysian Students Association, Edinburgh
1986 – 1987 Secretary General – Malaysian Islamic Study Group (MISG), London, UK
2000 – 2005 Member Board of Management – Sek. Ren. Agama Al-Mujahidin, Damansara Utama
2000 – 2003 Academic Advisor – Kolej Islam Antarabangsa Sultan Ismail Petra (KIAS), Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
2003 –2005 President – Parents and Teachers Association of Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah, Klang, Selangor
2007 Head of Academic Bureau, PTA of Sekolah Rendah Delima Satu, Brunei Darussalam.
Expertise being sought as –
• Part-time lecturer at Faculty of Law University of Malaya teaching few Islamic Law papers (1986 – 2002)
• Prepared the course outline for Mu’amalat subject [University of Malaya Master of Law (LLM)]
• External assessor for University of Malaya’s Bachelor of Jurisprudence (BJuris).
• Member, Board of Studies Master of Business Law (MBL) at Faculty of Law, National University of Malaysia (UKM).
• Resource Person – Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) at Bank Negara Malaysia.
• External Examiner for PhDs from International Islamic University particularly on mu’amalat law / Islamic Banking & Finance
• Designed modules for Islamic Financial Planning. Also one of the writer contributed to Islamic Financial Planning column in Personal Money magazine.
• Teaching – LLM Banking Law (Executive) at Harun M Hashim Law Center, International Islamic University Malaysia.
• Supervised higher degrees (LLM at IIUM and MBA at Universiti Brunei Darussalam)
• Trainer : Royal Brunei Armed Forces for their Junior Staff Course (Promotion Exercise from Captain to Major) – subject Islamic Leadership and Management.
• Trainer : Executive Development Program (EDP) for Brunei Top Civil Servants – subject Islamic Leadership and Management.
• Appointed member of the Planning Committee for the upgrading of Maktab Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan to Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan (2006)
• Appointed member of the Establishment Secretariat, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) Brunei Darussalam (2006-2007).
Married to Ni’mah binti Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Dato Seri Utama (Dr) Haji Ismail bin Omar Abdul Aziz – with seven children.
Motto : Hidup Mulia dan Berjasa.
Zainudin Jaffar (48+) was born in Tanjung Karang Selangor on 28th September 1961. He is the eldest of eight siblings and his father was a school Headmaster in Sungai Besar. He received his early education in an English-medium primary school from 1968-1973. Thereafter, enrolled at al-MaÑhad al-Muhammadi (Arabic-medium) in Kelantan. After his excellent performance in his Junior Certificate Examination, he was selected to enter the Muslim College in Kelang, Malaysia’s premier religious school. Whilst there, he was one of the college student leader, captain of debating team and among the college top student. He has had the golden opportunities to study at top institutions – his B.SharÊÑah (First Class Hons) at University of Malaya, his LLM at King’s College University of London and his PhD at Edinburgh University, Scotland. Over the last twenty years, Zainudin Jaffar has accumulated a wide range of experience – teaching (plus administrative role) at International Islamic University Malaysia (1985-1996), President and Chief Executive Officer at Darul Ehsan Islamic College (1996-2001), on private practice (2001-2002) and as SharÊÑah Specialist at Bank Negara Malaysia (2002-2004). He is known for his strong passion for knowledge as he loves reading, teaching, training and voluntary works. He has equal proficiency (spoken & writing) in three languages namely, Malay, English and Arabic. He is considered a familiar face in the legal & SharÊÑah fraternity in the country as well as in banking circles. His standing as a SharÊÑah Specialist, a comparative lawyer and as a teacher/educator/trainer has had both national and international recognitions.
Competencies –
(1) Academic & Intellectual Leadership
(2) Research & Development
(3) Human Comprehensive Development
(4) Local & International Networking
(5) Comprehensive Training
1985 – 2000 Various Positions – International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
• Assistant Professor (1994-2001)
• Full Lecturer since 1988
• Deputy Dean/Director – IIUM Matriculation Centre (1994-1996). In charge of academic affairs including admission, records and examination. Student population at that point of time was 3,500 in three campuses.
• Head of Law Department IIUM (1995-1996)
1996 – 2001 Darul Ehsan Islamic College (KISDAR (Now known as Selangor International Islamic University College -KUIS)
• Seconded by IIUM to Selangor State Government as the First President and Chief Executive Officer.
• Playing a pivotal role as an academic and intellectual leader. Successful in bringing the institution to a remarkable height and gaining recognition domestically as well as internationally. Successful in creating conducive
learning environment and a holistic campus-life imbued by Islamic teachings.
2001 – 2002 Hijrah Strategic Advisory Group (Consulting Firm on
Islamic Financial Services)
• One of the founder of the firm.
• Was Managing Director and Principal Consultant.
• Involved in monitoring the running of the firm as a credible financial services consultant.
• Involved as consultant for the setting of Islamic Unit Trust Business in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.
• Conducted Shari’ah Audit on giant insurance company like MAA to ensure that their investment activities (for their Islamic products) are Shari’ah Compliant.
• Pioneered the concept of Islamic Financial Planning, set the parameters and developed the training modules. The training modules has received wide acceptance both at home (among others by Securities Indurstry Development Centre [SIDC], Takaful Operators (like Maybank Takaful, Takaful Nasional, Takaful Ikhlas), Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB through PNB Institute), Amanah Raya Berhad as well Jabatan Agama of various states in Malaysia).
• Pioneered the dissemination of Islamic Financial Planning through mainstream media. Our articles on Islamic Financial Planning was given a column in Personal Money magazine and running for nearly three years.
2002 – June 2004 Bank Negara Malaysia (Malaysian Central Bank) residing at the Department of Islamic Banking and Takaful.
• Was appointed Shari’ah Specialist (with a Senior Manager G28 position). First appointment of this nature in the history of Islamic Banking in Malaysia.
• Functioned as an internal Shari’ah resource person on the regulation and supervision on the entire Islamic Banking, Islamic Finance and Takaful operations in Malaysia.
• Key resource and training advisor to the Central Bank’s own Human Resources Development Centre (HRDC).
• Responsible setting the establishment (and the running) of the Shari’ah Working Committee, a think-tank group of academicians to deliberate on issues relating to Islamic Banking & Finance.
• Acted as Supervisor to the Secretariat of the Central Bank’s Shari’ah Advisory Council (SAC).
• Acted as resource person on the use Gold Dinar in the Bilateral Payment (BPA).
• Involved in the initiatives for the amendment of laws relating to Shari’ah Advisory Council particularly The Central Bank Act (1958), Islamic Banking Act (1983), Takaful Act (1984) and Banking & Financial Institutions Act (1989).
• Was part of the promulgation of the new Shari’ah Framework for the Islamic Banking & Finance as part of the initiatives to support the Financial Sector Master Plan (FSMP).
• July 2004 – March 2005 ~ SharÊÑah Specialist – Mohd Fuad Jaapar & Associates, Advocates & Solicitors/Shari’ah Counsels – Petaling Jaya Malaysia.
• Consultant/Trainer/Writer Researched and completed draft of two books during this period namely The Spectrum of the Shari’ah and The Shari’ah Guidance on Wealth and Financial Planning.
• Teaching
Taught the subject of Islamic Banking, Securities and Documentation for LLM (Executive) in Banking Law at Harun M Hashim Law Centre, International Islamic University Malaysia.
From April 2005 Academic Staff – Department of Business and
Management, Faculty of Business, Economics
and Policy Studies (FBEPS), Universiti Brunei
Darussalam. Concurrently, Postgraduate
Coordinator at the faculty.
Subjects taught :
• Islamic Jurisprudence
• Principles of Islamic Business Ethics
• Islamic Law of Transactions (Mu’amalat) – undergraduate.
• Islamic Management Ethics (MBA)
• Islamic Law of Transactions (MIBF Masters in Islamic Banking & Finance)
• Regulation and Supervision of Islamic Financial Institutions (MIBF)
• Islamic Financial Planning (MIBF).
• While at IIUM – taught almost all areas of Islamic Law. Also taught LLM (Executive) Banking Law (IIUM) and LLM (University Malaya) for Islamic Law of Commercial Transactions.
University of Malaya – Faculty of
SharÊÑah, Academy of Islamic
• B. Shari’ah (Hons) 1985
• Major: Shari’ah Law & Malaysian Law
• Minor – Islamic Economics.
• Graduated with First Class Honours and awarded University Book Prize.
• Recipient of the Entrance Award based on excellent result for Higher School Certificate (HSC) Examination.
• Elected twice to the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) from 1982-1984.
• President – Shari’ah Students’ Association (1984)
• Leader, University Malaya Malay Debating Team.
1988 Faculty of Law, King’s College, University of London, London, United Kingdom.
• Obtained the degree of Masters of Law (LLM) in a double major (Administration of Criminal Justice) and Islamic & Arab Law.
• Though registered at King’s College, took papers from the London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE) and the School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS) as the LLM program was on an inter-collegiate arrangement.
• Studied under the guidance of big names in the British Legal circle namely Professor Hall Williams, Professor William Ballantyne, Professor Doreen Hinchcliffe and others.
• 1990- 1994 University of Edinburgh – Dept. of Islamic and Middle East, Edinburgh, Scotland.
• Completed PhD in MuÑÉmalÉt Law (July 1994)
• Research based on classical sources of Islamic law written in classical Arabic language.
• Making comparison with contemporary literature of Islamic Law and its interpretation.
• Assessing the applicability of the SharÊÑah paradigm in modern business.
• Research categorized as contemporary Islamic Law and to some extent, Arab Law as involved investigation on certain civil codes of Arab Nations.
• Thesis : The Concept and Application of Öaman in Islamic Commercial Law.
• While pursuing doctoral studies, presented papers on various subjects – on Islamic Banking (Edinburgh 1990), Islamic Legal System (Aberdeen 1991), Codification of Islamic Law (Edinburgh 1992), Majallat al-Ahkam al-‘Adliyyah (Manchester 1994).
• Deputy Dean/Director, Matriculation Centre, IIUM in charge of academic matters particularly admission and records.
• Managed 3500 students (and 200 lecturers) in three different campuses namely in Kuala Lumpur, Kuantan and Kuala Terengganu.
• Instrumental in the setting of IIUM’s Medical Matriculation with a collaboration with Institut Kemahiran Ikhtisas Pahang (IKIP).
• Appointed President & CEO of Darul Ehsan Islamic College (KISDAR, now has been upgraded as Selangor International Islamic University College KUIS) at the age of 34. KISDAR is an integrated Islamic institution of higher learning backed by the Selangor state government. Initially served the pilot establishing committee as an academic advisor. Later secured an operating licence from the Ministry of Education (Dept of Private Education). Eventually, secured minimum standard approvals for all programs (Islamic Studies, Business, Information Technology and Media).
• Secured accreditation from Lembaga Akreditasi Negara (LAN) for all academic programs. Also secured recognition for most of KISDAR’s diplomas from universities in the UK, Australia, Jordan, Sudan, Egypt, Indonesia etc.
• Pioneering Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) Top Students Scheme – the sending of top students from JAIS system to top UK universities (particularly Portmouth University, England) to do engineering. IT, Medicine and others.
• Oversee the building of KISDAR’s campus worth RM 84 million (first phase) (total RM120 million) from 1997 until its completion in June 2000.
• Involved in Hijrah Strategic Advisory Group – a consulting firm specializing Islamic Financial Services.
• Invited to join Bank Negara Malaysia (The Malaysian Central Bank) as the first ever appointed SharÊÑah Specialist, to support the rapid growth of Islamic Finance after the launching of the Financial Sector Master Plan by Malaysian Government in 2001.
“Hukuman Menurut Shari’ah”. Professor Ahmad Ibrahim (ed) Pentadbiran Keadilan Jenayah di Malaysia (Ahkam Siri II), Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1990.
“The Development of Islamic Legal Thought in Twentieth Century Malaysia”. Proceeding of the Annual Conference of the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies. University of Manchester: 1994, January 1994
“Al-Quran dan Globalisasi”. Minda KISDAR Monograph. Bangi: KISDAR Publication, January 1999
“Lapan Nilai Utama Budaya Murni Bersih Dari Perspektif Islam dalam Ghazi Ramli (ed), Budaya Murni Bersih (Budaya MB) : Panduan dan Harapan, Selangor : Badan Perhubungan UMNO Selangor, 1999, pp. 57-74.
Spektrum Pemikiran Islam. Bangi: KISDAR Publication, January 2000
“The Development of Islamic Legal Thought in Twentieth Century Malaysia : An Assessment of Cross Cultural Links With Special Reference of the Ottoman’s Majallat al-Ahkam al-‘Adliyyah” Jurnal Syariah 8:1 (2000), pp. 83-100.
“Contemporary Islamic Legal Training in Malaysia”. In Isma-ae Ali (ed), Islamic Studies in ASEAN. Pattani Thailand: Prince Songkhla University. May 2000.
“The Role of Qadi vis-à-vis other Enforcement Agencies in the Islamic Commercial Practices” Jurnal KISDAR 3 (2000), pp.1-15.
“Pendidikan Agama Untuk Pembangunan Insan”, Laporan Kongres Pendidikan Melayu, Kuala Lumpur : JK Kongres Pendidikan Melayu, 2001.
“Ke Arah Menjadikan Institusi Masjid Sebagai Pusat Kecemerlangan Komuniti di Selangor”. Jurnal YADIM (2001) Vol. II. Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia, November 2001.
Spectrum of the Shari’ah (forthcoming)
The Islamic Solutions – Deliberation on al-Hall al-Islami. (forthcoming)
Shari’ah Guidance on Wealth and Financial Planning (forthcoming)
(1) Annual Conference of BRISMES – BRISMES (British Society for Middle Eastern Studies). Manchester, UK., 1994.
Paper entitled: The Development of Islamic Legal Thought in Malaysia: An Assessment of Cross-Cultural Links with Special Reference to the Ottoman’s Majallat Al-Ahkam Al-‘Adliyyah.
(2) University of Edinburgh Graduate Seminar. Dept of Islamic & Middle East, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, 1994
Paper : Consumer Protection in Islamic Law.
(3) Edinburgh Central Mosque. Edinburgh, Scotland, 1990
Paper : Islamic Banking in Malaysia.
(4) Aberdeen Central Mosque. Aberdeen, Scotland, 1992
Paper : Introduction to Islamic Legal System.
(5) Graduate Seminar Edinburgh University – April 1991.
Paper : Later Development of Islamic Law with Special Reference to Legal Scholarship and Codification.
(6) Pan Asian Islamic Banking & Finance Summit organized by CIMATEC – Kuala Lumpur 1995.
Paper : Implementation of Shari’ah Principles: The Role of the Shari’ah Supervisory Council.
(7) International Symposium on Islamic World Today – Zagreb, Republic of Croatia 1995
Paper : Islam in Southeast Asia.
(8) 24th Annual Conference of Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS), Chicago, USA, 1995
Paper : Contemporary Islamic Legal Training in Malaysia – The Case of IIUM.
(9) Seminar Islam dan Perubatan – anjuran Pusat Islam Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 1995.
Paper : Kaedah-kaedah Hukum Islam Dalam Pendekatan Perubatan Masakini – written with Dr. Mohd Daud Bakar.
(10) International Islamic Capital Market Conference. Kuala Lumpur, 1997
Paper : Bay’ al-Ma’dum : An Analysis.
(11) II Joseph Schacht Conference on Theory and Practice of Islamic Law – Granada, Spain 1997.
Paper : The Role of Enforcement Agency (×isbah) vis-à-vis the Qadi in Islamic Marketplaces.
(12) Conference on Restructuring Islamic Project Financing, Kuala Lumpur, 1999
Paper : The Viability of the Islamic Paradigm in Project Financing. Paper jointly written with Nasir Masud MBA.
(13) Nadwah Kefahaman Islam Pegawai Kanan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia, Lumut 1999.
Paper : The Notion of Universality and Flexibility in Islamic Law and Jurisprudence.
(14) Seminar Kebangsaan Pendidikan Kebangsaan dan Agama di Malaysia. – Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM), Kuantan, Pahang, 2000.
Paper : Matlamat dan Peranan Penubuhan Institusi Pendidikan Islam.
(15) Fourth Islamic Finance Forum – Harvard Islamic Finance Information Program (HIFIP). Harvard, Cambridge, Mass USA, 2000.
Paper: Shari’ah and Legal Issues on Online Banking. Paper jointly written with Assoc Prof. Dr. Mohd Daud Bakar (IIUM).
(16) Public Lecture organized by Center for Postgraduate Studies, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Sulwesi Selatan, 2000.
Paper : Islamic Education in Selangor.
(17) International Conference on World Peace in Light of the Quranic Teaching – Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 2001.
Paper : Qur’anic Guidance on Islamic Financial Planning.
(18) Kongres Pendidikan Melayu – Kesatuan Guru Melayu Malaysia Barat (KKGMB) & Kumpulan Melayu Prihatin, Kuala Lumpur, 2001.
Paper: Pendidikan Agama dan Pembangunan Insan.
(19) Seminar Perancangan Kewangan Islam – Darut Tauhid. Jakarta, Indonesia, 2002.
Paper: Tuntutan Islam Terhadap Perancangan Kewangan.
(20) Monthly Talk for Professionals & Expatriates – Al-Rahmaniah Indonesia. Jakarta, Indonesia, 2001.
Paper: Islamic Financial Planning.
(21) Muzakarah Pakar Mengenai Perbankan Islam – Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM). Kuala Lumpur, 2003.
Paper: Islamic Law on Business, Banking and Finance in Malaysia: Towards a Mu’amalat Code.
(22) Banking and Financial Law School 2004 (9th February 2004) organised by Bank Negara Malaysia, IBBM & ISDA.
Paper : How Islamic Jurisprudence Sees Derivatives in the Context of Modern Islamic Banking & Finance.
(23) Permodalan Nasional Berhad PNB Institute – Workshop on Islamic Investment Market, 27th August 2004.
Paper : Understanding the Shari’ah as the Basis for Investment.
(24) 2nd International Islamic Banking and Finance Conference organized by Monash University Malaysia – Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM) & Islamic Development Bank (IDB), 9-10 September 2004.
Paper : The Role of Shari’ah Paradigm in Islamic Banking & Finance – A Multi Dimensional Evaluation.
(25) PNB Institute Workshop on Islamic Banking & Finance, 16th September 2004.
Paper : Application of Shari’ah Concepts and Parameters in Islamic Banking.
(26) PNB Institute Workshop on Islamic Capital Market, 20-21 September 2004.
Paper : Understanding the Shari’ah and Its Application in Islamic Capital Market.
(27) Workshop organized by Institut Latihan Kehakiman & Perundangan Malaysia (ILKAP), 28th September 2004.
Paper : Application of Shari’ah Principles in Islamic Capital Market.
(28) Faculty Seminar, FBEPS Universiti Brunei Darussalam (October 2005)
Paper : The Concept and Practice of Islamic Banks – the Malaysian Experience.
(29) International Seminar on Legal Thought of al-ShÉfiÑi School of Law organized by the Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddeen Institute of Islamic Studies (with the Al-ShafiÑÊ Research Center), Universiti Brunei Darussalam. 18-19th January 2006
Paper: Business Ethics According to the Shafi’i School of Law.
(30) Seminar Habibi Rasulullah SAW –Universiti Brunei Darussalam (18-19 April 2006)
Paper : Petunjuk dan Bimbingan Rasulullah Dalam Memperkasakan Etika Perniagaan.
(31) Special Seminar for Senior Government Officers attending Executive Development Program UBD – 4th April 2006.
Paper : Islamic Finance in Malaysia – Past, Present and Future
(32) RBAF Training for Junior Officers (May 2006)
Presentation : The Significance of the Melayu Islam Beraja (MIB) and the Islamic Work Ethics.
(33) Get-Up Workshop organized by Entrepreneurship Development Unit – UBD (May 2006)
Paper : Petunjuk Islam dalam Perniagaan dan Keusahawanan.
(34) Youth Entrepreneurship Workshop on Small Business Enterprise for Potential Young Women (June 2006).
Paper : Islamic Guidance on Business and
(35) Muzakarah Pakar Takaful 2006 (3 August
2006) – Kuala Lumpur
Paper : Perkongsian Lebihan Dalam Operasi
Takaful – Antara Mudarabah dan Ujrah.
(36) Konferensi Antarabangsa Antar Universiti
Borneo Mengenai Isu Perkotaan di Borneo
(Anjuran UNIMAS/Universitas Tandjung Pura
Pontianak Indonesia, 14-16 August 2006).
Paper : Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Melalui Perencanaan Kewangan SharÊÑah (Islamic Financial Planning) di Negara Brunei Darussalam.
(37) Asean Graduate Business School Program- University of Indonesia, Jakarta 28th-30th January 2007.
Paper : Good Corporate Governance : The Role of
Religion With Special Reference to the Islamic
Has wide experience as advisor in the area of Islamic Banking, Finance and Islamic Unit Trust –
(1) Shari’ah Advisor – Amanah Saham Darul Iman (ASDI) (1994-1999). One of the unit trust scheme by a state government (Trengganu State). It was a RM500 million scheme. He was also asked to sit in the Investment Committee of the scheme representing the SharÊÑah Council and to facilitate the investment decisions.
(2) Shari’ah Advisor – Amanah Saham Wanita (ASNITA) (1995-2002) – is a dedicated fund for women investors. Another RM500 million scheme. Helped in the training of the unit trust agents to ensure the possessed the correct knowledge and understanding when selling the units to investors particularly on the need to practice Islamic ways in financial and investment planning.
(3) SharÊ’ah Advisor – Another involvement in unit trust through Affin Trust Management Berhad (1994-2002).
(4) SharÊÑah Advisor – Affin Bank (1994-2002). This was his first appointment where he was exposed to the complexities of banking practices especially in ensuring Shari’ah compliance. Also involved in giving training to staffs of Affin Bank Group as part of the initiatives after the nation launched the Islamic banking scheme known at that point in time as Skim Perbankan Tanpa Faedah (SPTF). SPTF was later known as the Islamic Banking Scheme.
(5) SharÊÑah Advisor – Affin Merchant Bank (1994-2002). Affin Merchant is part of Affin Group though it is involved as a merchant bank.
(6) SharÊÑah Advisor – Affin Finance (1994-2002). Affin Finance is a finance company under Affin Group focusing more on Islamic Hire Purchase of vehicles, machineries etc.
(7) SharÊÑah Advisor – Pusat Zakat Selangor (1997-1999). Was chairman of the team working on the Manual of Business Zakat.
(8) Member, Panel Kajian SharÊÑah (Malaysian Fatwa Council Technical Committee) (2003-2006). This committee is the forum where deliberation of various Shari’ah issues coming from various parties is made. The committee will make recommendation whether or not the matter should be brought to the National Fatwa Council.
(9) Member of Shari’ah Committee – Maybank Group (April 2005-March 2007)
(10) Member, Panel of Module Writers – Islamic Banking & Finance Institute Malaysia (IBFIM) – 2005
(11) Registered Syari’ah Advisor with The Securities Commission (Ref : JS/017/P/2005) - Valid Until 30th June 2008
Major (Honorary) – since 2002. A member of Pasukan Pendokong Wataniah Negeri Selangor, a recognition for commitment in encouraging the college students to take part in military trainings. This award was bestowed by DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong.
1995 – 1999 Member of the National Executive Committee – Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM).
1991 – 1992 Secretary General – Edinburgh Malaysian Students Association, Edinburgh
1986 – 1987 Secretary General – Malaysian Islamic Study Group (MISG), London, UK
2000 – 2005 Member Board of Management – Sek. Ren. Agama Al-Mujahidin, Damansara Utama
2000 – 2003 Academic Advisor – Kolej Islam Antarabangsa Sultan Ismail Petra (KIAS), Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
2003 –2005 President – Parents and Teachers Association of Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah, Klang, Selangor
2007 Head of Academic Bureau, PTA of Sekolah Rendah Delima Satu, Brunei Darussalam.
Expertise being sought as –
• Part-time lecturer at Faculty of Law University of Malaya teaching few Islamic Law papers (1986 – 2002)
• Prepared the course outline for Mu’amalat subject [University of Malaya Master of Law (LLM)]
• External assessor for University of Malaya’s Bachelor of Jurisprudence (BJuris).
• Member, Board of Studies Master of Business Law (MBL) at Faculty of Law, National University of Malaysia (UKM).
• Resource Person – Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) at Bank Negara Malaysia.
• External Examiner for PhDs from International Islamic University particularly on mu’amalat law / Islamic Banking & Finance
• Designed modules for Islamic Financial Planning. Also one of the writer contributed to Islamic Financial Planning column in Personal Money magazine.
• Teaching – LLM Banking Law (Executive) at Harun M Hashim Law Center, International Islamic University Malaysia.
• Supervised higher degrees (LLM at IIUM and MBA at Universiti Brunei Darussalam)
• Trainer : Royal Brunei Armed Forces for their Junior Staff Course (Promotion Exercise from Captain to Major) – subject Islamic Leadership and Management.
• Trainer : Executive Development Program (EDP) for Brunei Top Civil Servants – subject Islamic Leadership and Management.
• Appointed member of the Planning Committee for the upgrading of Maktab Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan to Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan (2006)
• Appointed member of the Establishment Secretariat, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) Brunei Darussalam (2006-2007).
Married to Ni’mah binti Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Dato Seri Utama (Dr) Haji Ismail bin Omar Abdul Aziz – with seven children.
Motto : Hidup Mulia dan Berjasa.
Subhanallah... hebatnya arwah ayah ulfah. dan kehebatan itu nyata terzahir pada anak-anaknya.. Moga pemergian abah ulfah menambahkan lagi semangat juang dalam diri. kematian bukan satu penamat, tetapi ia satu fasa perjalanan menujuNya. La tahzani... moga satu hari destinasi kalian pasti sama. di firdausi ilahi. amin!
Small Business owners are largely forgotten. Thats why I only focus on them. I have experience several members of my family file bankruptcy due to small business failures. I also I suffered through 2 destroyed businesses due to failure however, in my failings I have learned some of the secrets to success. (Who can say they know it all?)
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