Friday, April 16, 2010

Dari hati seorang pelajar....

Membuka friend request di FB menjadi kemestian setiap kali online..request pending sebanyak seratus lebih itu akan diamati dan dibelek...Bukan semua org akan diaccept..dan sstgh org itu memerlukan masa yg lama utk difikirkan utk diaccept...

Tapi ketentuan Tuhan tiada siapa yang tahu..Satu nama yg langsung tiada common friend aku accept..Pertemuan yang mengeratkan silaturrahim menjadi penghubung antara yang masih hidup..

Dengan izin yer...

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

This writing (or whatever u call dis) is especially dedicated to Allahyarham. The purpose of this post is to share wif all of u about this great person I have known since my first year in UBD. He was my lecturer for 3 semesters. The courses I took wif him were Islamic Business Ethics, Islamic Jurisprudence and Islamic Transactions. Although language or words used in this writing are not as good, but I hope I could express my pleasure of knowing this man wif biggest heart, and also hope I cud spread the love dat I and, I bliv, the rest of his students have for him.

My first subject wif him was Islamic business ethics. I still remember, his class was always cancelled due to reasons that he had to undergo his treatment. Frens told me he was sick, but nda tau sakit apa. One day, he came to class pkai wheelchair. I still remember he looked pale n very weak. Only then, we found out that he was suffering from liver cancer, and was in critical stage. But I could still see his semangat utk deliver the lecture to all of us

His daughter mentioned in her blog that ustaz was a person yg pentingkan penampilan, n I cudnt agree more coz sepanjang belajar wif him, I have always seen him bepakaian smart walaupun he was reli sick. Nda pernah liat ustaz bebaju cemeh.. not even once..

“Lets recite surah al-‘asr.. *baca al-‘asr sama2* Ustaz minta tolong u all doa ustaz cepat sembuh. insyaAllah..”- dis is wat he ALWAYS ckp EVERY end of his lectures. He never forgot to say dat walaupun begagas kn keluar class. One day, he told us that kami as students are very lucky. Because, we are one of those whose doa senang kn kana makbulkan. Coz he said, “org yg menuntut ilmu adalah org yg berjihad” (sthing like dat..) n he said dats why he always asked for us to always pray for him

The last time I saw ustaz was during the end of last semester, when I submitted my assignment. I still remember before I left, ustaz pasan arah eyah to always read all the books and readings that he gave us. That was the last time I saw him

We’ll miss you Ustaz We’ll miss that smile that we never failed to see on your face walaupun u were sick. Thank you so much for the knowledge. Jazakallahu Khairal jaza.. Although ure no longer around, you’ll always be in our hearts :’(

Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat & terkumpul bersama golongan hamba Nya yg beriman & ahli Syurga.
Takziah to the family of Allahyarham. Semoga Allah SWT memberikan kekuatan & kesabaran yg byk to all of you. Ustaz had always done good deeds throughout his life, n semoga semua kebaikan ustaz akan dpt balasan Syurga d akhirat kelak. AAMIN YA RABBAL ‘ALAMIIN

Our beloved lecturer
Photo taken from pelita brunei website

*Special thanks to Hafizah Hab & Eyah Abdul Majid*(FBEPS,UBD,BSB)


~cAhaYap3tUnjUk~ said...

mudah2an arwah abah ko tenang kat sane ulfah... he was very kind & people do remember many good things about him... i know u are strong enough k pah~ *hugs*

aufa khalilah said...

thanks ieda!! ko dah abis ko da gradla ek..smpai bila ko kt kl..?

~cAhaYap3tUnjUk~ said...

no prob... =)

aku blum abis paper la pah... de 2 lagi... last paper aku 26hb... aku balik JB 4hb... tp akan datang2 balik ar lepas tu utk angkat barang... hehe~